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President Donald Trump's first term as the US President has been a relentless drive for unfettered fossil energy development. When U.S. government scientists released their latest volume of the National Climate Assessment, it revealed a striking disconnect between President Donald Trump and essentially every authoritative institution on the threat of global warming. The president rejected the assessment's central findings—based on thousands of climate studies and involving 13 federal agencies—that emissions of carbon dioxide are caused by human activities, are already causing lasting economic damage, and have to be brought rapidly to zero. However, the present administration has progressed its agenda for fossil fuel energy expansion that the science says is at the root of the problem. The defeat of President Donald Trump and victory to President elect Joe Robinette Biden Jr who is a known crusader for reduction of global warming has come in as a whiff of fresh air to US citizens.

Joe Biden, who fought the Presidential Campaign vowing to reduce Global Warming as well as create jobs for the middle class who has been hit hard by the Corona epidemic has his task clearly cut out – to come out ASAP from this public health and economic crises. Based on his Poll Agenda as well as his known leanings towards reduction of Global Warming imprints, the President Elect is expected to launch a national effort aimed to create jobs to build a modern, sustainable infrastructure to ensure clean energy. Science today tells us that we are already late in tackling climate change. Therefore, Biden is expected to immediately invest in sustainable job creation- new industries and energise the economy to help US citizens.

The Climate Science Special Report (CSSR) has clearly and unambiguously brought out in study after study that climate change is a result of human influence since mid-20th century leading to rising surface, atmospheric and oceanic temperature, shrinking ice, rising sea level, melting glaciers, diminishing snow cover, rising sea levels, ocean acidification and increasing the intensity and frequency of rainfall, hurricanes, heat waves, wild fires and drought. The reports largely stress on the fact that all these effects are attributable to human activities. The victory of Joe Biden raises hopes for changed priorities including re-joining the Paris Agreement which the US exited on 04 Nov 20. Bidens publicly released plan to address Climate Change by investing $2 Trillion to attain Carbon neutrality by year 2050 is by far the most ambitious proposal by any American President or President Elect. However, reaching Net Zero requires that any carbon emissions are balanced by absorbing an equivalent amount from the atmosphere. Biden has pledged to drive down emissions by upgrading 4 million buildings to make them more energy efficient. In addition, he has also pledged to invest heavily in Public Transport by patronising electric vehicles and charging points and giving financial incentives to migrate to cleaner cars. This will enable Biden to focus simultaneously on lowering emissions and increasing jobs.

It is being widely speculated that Joe Biden is heading into the White House with a promise to over turn 4 years of US retreat on Climate Change. Team Biden and Kamala Harris as his Vice President Elect who has a track record of suing oil companies as the former Attorney General have much to deliver based on electoral promises and expectations. It now remains to be seen how much the new regime, which comes with so much promise, is able to achieve and implement.